Wise starts trading on London Stock Exchange

Further to the announcement on July 2, 2021 in connection with its direct listing, Wise announces that its entire issued class A ordinary share capital, consisting of 994,589,856 Shares, has today been admitted to the standard listing segment of the Official List of the FCA and to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s Main Market for listed securities under the ticker “WISE”.

The opening auction in respect of the Shares will commence at 7.50 am (London time) on this date and last for 190 minutes, with normal dealings in the Shares expected to commence no earlier than 11.00 am (London time).

Upon listing, Wise will have a dual class share structure in place with two classes of shares in issue, class A shares and class B shares, in order to support Wise’s focus on its mission as it transitions into the public markets. Class B shares hold 9 votes per share, are strictly non-transferable and, amongst other voting right cancellation events, expire on the fifth anniversary of any listing.

All of Wise’s shareholders and holders of vested options as at 23 May 2021 are entitled to elect to receive 50% of their class A share holding in the Company with additional corresponding class B shares on a 1:1 basis (save for Kristo Käärmann, CEO and co-founder of Wise, who is entitled to elect to receive 100% of his class A share holding in the Company with additional corresponding class B shares on a 1:1 basis).

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