FlowBank hires Natixis exec Esty Dwek as CIO

Switzerland based neobank FlowBank has announced that Esty Dwek will join the company as Chief Investment Officer (CIO). Her appointment will become effective as of 1 October 2021.

Esty Dwek will be responsible for the investment strategy of the online bank and lead its team of analysts. The company added that she will play an integral part in further developing FlowBank’s vast educational offering consisting of trading courses, market research articles, and daily investment insights designed to help its clients invest with confidence.

“Besides working alongside a young team, what I look forward to the most is regularly sharing my market views in a creative and easily digestible way,” says Esty Dwek.

Esty Dwek brings to FlowBank many years of experience in investment strategy and banking. Most recently, she was Head of Global Market Strategy at Natixis Investment Managers. Prior to that, she was a Global Strategist at Loomis, Sayles & Company, a Natixis Investment Managers Affiliate, and an Investment Strategist at HSBC Private Bank. Esty Dwek holds a BA from Princeton University.

“We are very happy to welcome Esty to the FlowBank family. Her outstanding expertise and entrepreneurial mindset make her the ideal addition to our team, and we are excited to keep disrupting the Swiss banking landscape with her,” comments Charles Henri Sabet, founder, and CEO of FlowBank.

The rest of 2021 has more on the horizon as FlowBank said that it continues its growth, with a new office in Zurich and plans to expand beyond Switzerland’s borders.

FlowBank, an online bank headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, employs around 120 specialists. Founded by Charles Henri Sabet in 2020, FlowBank aspires to make investing accessible to everyone. It does so through intuitively designed investing platforms, educational trading courses led by seasoned experts, and by offering highly competitive pricing. Both private and institutional clients can invest in a wide range of asset classes with its platforms, FlowBank and FlowBank Pro. FlowBank SA is licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and a member of esisuisse.

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