Exclusive: TopFX institutional sales head Michael Nichols resigns

FNG Exclusive… FNG has learned that Cyprus based FX broker and services provider TopFX has seen the departure of senior management member Michael Nichols.

Michael Nichols joined TopFX in early 2019 as Head Of Institutional Sales, and was later promoted to Director Of Institutional Sales. Prior to TopFX he was a B2B sales consultant to FX broker technology provider Panda Trading Systems. He has also worked at 24option.

Mr. Nichols’ departure comes as TopFX has shifted in recent months from its historical focus on its B2B business – providing liquidity solutions to Retail FX brokers – to running and promoting its own Retail FX brand. Late last year TopFX launched an EU Retail FX site, after first going live with an offshore brokerage operation domiciled in the Seychelles, as was also exclusively reported by FNG.

Michael Nichols posted the following note today on social media:

It has been an exciting journey working as Head of Institutional sales TOPFX LTD , I would like to personally thank the company and team for everything I have learned throughout my three years at TopFX. 🙌

I have met some truly amazing people, learned a lot and watched the institutional department grow. Although bitter sweet, I look forward to the next chapter in my life and continuing my career working for companies that shape the industry and have clear strategic focus on expansion.

Happy holidays to TopFX and to all the people that make it great. 🎄

283 Replies to “Exclusive: TopFX institutional sales head Michael Nichols resigns”

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