Interactive Brokers introduces portfolio improvements in Client Portal

Electronic trading major Interactive Brokers has boosted the functionalities of Client Portal, its web application that serves as traders’ one-stop destination to check quotes and place trades, see account balances, P&L and key performance metrics, as well as funding and reporting.

  • Interactive Brokers has made several portfolio improvements including the addition of a new Cash Report tab.
  • The team has also added condensed view for Watchlists and Portfolio. Use the arrow to expand and contract views.
  • Trading for Warrants has been improved via the addition of support to search using ISIN or WARSCODE.
  • Finally, users can now add derivative contracts in the top Menu bar.

In the preceding update, Interactive Brokers enabled users of Client Portal to easily set up an exit strategy for their orders using the Exit Strategy link at the bottom of the Order Ticket. Define a bracket order to capture profit (Profit Taker) and help minimize loss (Stop Loss). Use one or both orders and modify as needed.

The search bar has been enhanced to provide additional information on a contract. After the contract search has been returned, click in the search bar (labeled “Search Inside”) to see a drop-down list of useful information on the contract, including fundamentals, news and more.

There is also Mutual Fund Scanner, which can be selected from the Markets menu to set filters and search for Fund Families. Click Download to XLS to download your results into Excel.

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