Electronic trading major Interactive Brokers Group (NASDAQ:IBKR) today introduced GlobalAnalyst, a new tool that lets investors compare the relative valuations and financial metrics of stocks globally.
GlobalAnalyst is designed for investors interested in international portfolio diversification to discover undervalued companies that may have greater growth potential. Recognizing that it can be challenging for investors to evaluate the relative merits of stocks traded in different currencies, Interactive Brokers created a simple yet powerful tool to compare any number of stocks by various metrics in one of 27 currencies of the user’s choice. Similarly, users may buy and sell and follow these stocks in the currency of their choice, all in one account on one screen.
Using GlobalAnalyst, investors can search for stocks by region, country, industry, market capitalization and currency to identify undervalued stocks worldwide. A table displays current market and various financial metrics, such as P/E/G Ratio (PE divided by three-year compound earnings growth rate). PEGs below 1.0 suggest a company is undervalued, while a PEG above 1.0 suggests a company that is overvalued.
“In addition to offering investment choices from more than 135 global markets, we continue to provide investors with leading technology and tools to help them make informed investment decisions,” said Thomas Peterffy, Chairman and Founder of Interactive Brokers. “GlobalAnalyst is a great tool for individual investors and sophisticated traders to begin their search, looking to take advantage of the benefits of investing globally. We emphasize that thorough analysis must always follow initial findings.”
GlobalAnalyst’s simplicity makes it useful for any investor running a quick search for international stocks and is available free of charge on the Interactive Brokers website.
The broker has been regularly expanding its lineup of services and products. Earlier in November, Interactive Brokers unveiled IMPACT, a mobile trading application for socially conscious investors.
Expanding upon Interactive Brokers’ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) trading initiatives, IMPACT features a simple and intuitive app design that streamlines the sustainable investing process for any investor and gives U.S. clients access to zero commissions on U.S. stock trading.
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